Hindi Worksheet for Class-1
Hindi worksheet for Class 1 involves focusing on basic language skills appropriate for young learners. This can include introduction to vowels (स्वर), consonants (व्यंजन), simple words, and basic sentences. Here’s a structured worksheet idea you can use:
Hindi Worksheet for Class 1
Part 1: स्वर (Vowels)
- अ से अनार: Fill in the blanks with the correct vowel to complete the word.
- अ___र (___nār)
- आ___ (A___)
- इ___ान (I___ān)
- उ___ट (U___t)
- स्वर पहचानों: Identify the vowel in the given words.
- मकान (Makān)
- पेड़ (Ped)
- घड़ी (Ghaḍī)
Part 2: व्यंजन (Consonants)
- व्यंजन लिखो: Write the following consonants.
- क, ख, ग, घ, च
- व्यंजनों के साथ शब्द बनाओ: Make words using the given consonants.
- क __ __ (K___)
- च __ __ (Ch___)
- ग __ __ (G___)
Part 3: सरल शब्द (Simple Words)
- चित्र के अनुसार शब्द लिखो: Look at the pictures and write the word.
- [Picture of a cat] __ __ __
- [Picture of a tree] __ __ __
- वाक्य पूरा करो: Complete the sentence with the correct word.
- मेरा नाम ___ है। (Mera nām ___ hai.)
- यह एक ___ है। (Yah ek ___ hai.)
Part 4: संख्या (Numbers)
- संख्या लिखो (Write the numbers 1-10 in Hindi).
- एक (One)
- दो (Two)
- …
Part 5: Coloring Activity
- रंग भरो: Color the pictures using your favorite colors.
- [Picture of a flower]
- [Picture of a butterfly]
This worksheet is designed to be both educational and engaging for Class 1 students, emphasizing foundational Hindi language skills through a variety of activities. Adjust the difficulty and content based on the specific needs and abilities of your students.
Here are some printable Hindi Worksheet for Class-1
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